Kenney Law Services

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Opportunity Works Here

I have worked at Pennsylvania all my life and have felt I was given every opportunity to excel. Despite your professional background, the Pennsylvania team stands by you when things get tough. Many attorneys think that is something very important. I believe that Polsinelli can give you that. I think that is what a law firm is all about.


Bankruptcy Attorneys

Kenney Law has developed an extensive practice involving the enforcement of secured claims. It is important to understand that obtaining a court order that will prevent others from enforcing the rights of the secured creditor in a sale or a loan agreement can be very costly. If you are owed money by someone you owe, the court can order that the debtor pay back money to you; it can also stop a court from taking criminal action against you. We have extensive experience representing clients who are facing difficult times. To find out how we can help your business get through those difficult times, please call one of our offices in Pennsylvania, preferably in Harrisburg or Newport.

Dependent Counsel for Secured or Unsecured Creditors.

We prepare agreements that assume that the agreements may some day be enforceable. If you file for bankruptcy, you may be able to get the relief you are seeking by filing for bankruptcy and eliminating your assets.

If a debtor files bankruptcy, our bankruptcy lawyers will protect your rights by obtaining a stay on its application to the court if the debtor hasn’t paid. We are prepared to help you with collection efforts to collect a judgment against you or other owed creditors.

We assist clients with both routine and complex collection matters that are handled as part of a broader legal relationship or as a separate legal matter. Our clientele includes banks, lending institutions, and other types of investors.

If you are facing problems with debt, bankruptcy can help you.

If your debts are mounting and you need to stop making payments, a bankruptcy filing may help you. In some situations, filing for bankruptcy can offer you valuable legal protection. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is much more favorable than Chapter 13 bankruptcy, in part because it preserves your right to collect on future payments.

In the long run, filing either type of bankruptcy could end up resulting in the things that we have discussed.

  • An automatic stay is designed to help you from being evicted, foreclosed, or repossessed, as long as the actions are still pending. It is very unlikely that bankrupting a person will stop them from doing things that will result in a bankruptcy case being filed.
  • Bankruptcy can wipe out unsecured credit card debt, personal loans, medical bills, and more.
  • You can wipe out secured debt as well, but you may have to release certain purchased property
  • Stopping creditors from harassment and collection – upon filing for bankruptcy, the court will enforce an order called “automatic stay” which will stop most wage garnishments, lawsuits, and creditor calls. If you are unable to pay those creditors on time, the bankruptcies are not the solution to your problems. In fact, if the creditors do not pay up, the court will charge them with committing fraud.